Display Logic designs and manufactures the most advanced LCD LED Backlights available in the market today for sunlight readability, extended life and extreme temperatures.
The number one key feature of our backlights is high efficiency. The higher the efficiency, the lower the power needed and heat generated by the LEDs. This translates into brighter LCDs, longer backlight life, wider temperature ranges and longer battery life for mobile applications.
We find it is much better to generate less heat than to have good strategies to remove that heat. Many of our designs can exist outdoors at full brightness in sealed units with no cooling whatsoever and still maintain -30C to +85C operating temperatures and 50K hours of life at the extremes (100K+ at 25C).
While looking at a typical LED backlight specification you will find that it is specified at 25C with no information as to what happens at higher temperatures other than a warning that higher temperatures can hurt LEDs. Display Logic gives you the backlight life at the rated temperature range and power level so that you can accurately design your product and have knowledge of what will occur across all environmental conditions.